Why Not Hemp

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Why not grow and use hemp? From all that I have read and discussed with family and friends, hemp may be the answer to several of our environmental concerns. If it really can clean up the dirt from environmental waste and make it able to grow other crops again then I say, Hell Yea! grow lots of it. If it can be used to make better, safer and longer products such as paper, wood for building and more then I say, what the heck! let’s go for it. If certain species of the plant can be used to create less toxic medicine to help our family and friends with cancer, epilepsy or chronic pain then by golly, what is stopping us?

I don’t know if I believe all the hype about the various uses of hemp or cannabis plants and I certainly don’t think our government should get involved in what we grow or even why. Whenever they get involved it seems to me that the only people who profit are big business and the government. The family farms are rapidly disappearing and that cannot be good for the rest of us. The only regulation we really should have is to ensure that the plants that are being grown don’t have all that THC stuff in it. If your state has approved recreational use of the stuff then good for you. I don’t need mind alternating stuff for myself, life is mind-alternating enough for me. I could use some non-addictive medications to help me cope with my every increasing osteoarthritis. I would much rather rub on an all-natural oil onto my problem areas and be able to go about my day.

For all my inventors out there we hope you are working on ways to help may more stuff out of this plant, more cost-efficient methods for doing it and help our small farmers out in the process.

Here is a list of a couple of websites we thought you might find useful to do your own research.




Author: Jolene MacFadden

Single mother, retired from a normal job, was traveling around the State of Florida in an old RV. Now stationary writing new books and helping others get their self-published.

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