We Are Stuck With Him Now

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>We are stuck with him now folks. President Trump has been officially sworn in and is our 45th President. There has been and still continues to be a great hue and cry that he won the electoral vote and not the popular vote. Not that I wanted Hillary Clinton to win either. Mom even sat and watched the entire ceremony on TV from early morning until well into the afternoon. She even watched on election night. There have been lots of postings on Twitter, Facebook and other social media pages about how this will be a terrible thing for our country. Well, I say, get over it already. Until he actually does something so horrendous that the entire country wants to impeach him I guess we will just have to wait and see what happens. Remember though that Mike Pence is the Vice President so do you really believe that he would be any better as a president?

The next 4 years are going to be very interesting, to say the least. We hope you have kept a listing of all his campaign promises so that at the end of the 3 years you can honestly say yes or no that he did what he said he would do. Politics and those in the game truly suck most of the time. So, if you are really concerned you will have to get involved yourself, find a decent person with a plan to elect when the time comes or just buy yourself a bunch of land in the middle of nowhere and forget about the whole thing. Truly, if you find a person who has a good head on their shoulders, not beholding to any big corporation or interest group and is smart, diplomatic and really wants to lead our country then let us know. We would love to start now raising money, awareness and backing them.

That’s my rant for today. Till next time.

Author: Jolene MacFadden

Single mother, retired from a normal job, was traveling around the State of Florida in an old RV. Now stationary writing new books and helping others get their self-published.

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