Newly Published Workbooks

Newly Published Workbooks

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We have some newly published workbooks on Amazon this month. I really enjoy creating educational material and have done so most of my adult career for one boss or another. So, why not create some for my fellow readers and writer friends who might find them fun, enjoyable, and possibly even helpful. The latest craze on TikTok is how to make passive income by creating and publishing low or no content paperback books on Amazon. That is all fine and good and I have purchased many blank journals over the years and may even purchase some more in the future. But I say if you are going to go to all that trouble creating the insides, getting it to look just right, and then creating a very nice, eye-catching cover you might as well add some useful stuff inside too.

Creating low content paperback books that inform and help others with whatever subject you are writing about can be a great way to satisfy your creative drive in those downtimes you may find your writing self in like between your first draft and waiting on your editor to get back with their comments. Or even when your characters are not talking to you today you can put your brain in neutral and create some forms that you find helpful as a writer, reader, or just a collection of exercises to put inside a workbook and publish.

Limericks Workbook

– for all my fellow Limericks fans out there. It is probably one of the easiest forms of poetry that I enjoy reading and some days where things are not working out that way I had hoped I will grab some words and their rhyming counterparts and try to come up with a little story or two.

Write a Review Workbook

– Even writers sometimes find it hard to write an informative book review for their fellow authors. For readers with no writing experience, it is just as daunting sometimes. We created a simple form that asks the basic questions then made about 50 copies inside of a workbook. The reviews can be used to type up in Amazon, Goodreads, etc, and once completely filled out the reader might even want to consider becoming a professional book reviewer.

Author: Jolene MacFadden

Single mother, retired from a normal job, was traveling around the State of Florida in an old RV. Now stationary writing new books and helping others get their self-published.

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