Florida Weird Weather

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Florida has been experiences some really weird weather for our area this year. Yes, the entire country has been getting wild fires, torrential rains, occasional earthquakes and lots of blowing snow all other. Weather the groundhog sees his shadow or not today we will be in for another 6 weeks of cold, rain, hot and then more rain, cold and hot again. With this kind of weather we don’t need people not vaccinating their kids mother nature is trying to kill us off in droves with major flu bouts, freezing people in their tracks and wrecks everywhere because none of us can stay at home for fear of losing our jobs.


For fun we all gather around the TV today to see if our respective groundhogs are going to see their shadows. Now the northerners have Punxsutawney Phil on Gobbler’s Knob in Punxsutawney, Pa. and us southerners have General Beauregard Lee in Jackson, Georgia These two make the news 1 day a year to break up the monotony of the winter months. They don’t always agree and really spring is more than 6 weeks away officially anyway. But it’s fun to speculate and talk about it while watching the news coverage. Then the two fat fellows head back into their den and take a nap.


Well I say so long as you have a kitchen full of food, enough propane to cook with and keep you warm and electricity to keep the TV, Laptops and internet going we can have as much cold rainy weather as mother nature wants to throw at us. It keeps the visitors out of the park and hopefully safe at warm at their own homes. There are no kids running around sharing their germs with everyone and I can get caught up on some much needed computer time. Hopefully, over the next 10 days I will be able to create posts for all of my blogs and even get a little ahead of the game before our craft vendor schedule starts on February 15th!

We are looking forward to participating in our first Blue and Gray Re-enactment weekend. Mostly, we will be in our bright pink tent in downtown Lake City, Florida with all the other craft and food vendors, people watching and hopefully selling lots of crafts. We set-up Thursday night to begin selling on Friday to whomever is running around the area at the time. On Saturday morning they have a parade through downtown and everyone converges on the vendors right after until about dark. Then we break down and leave the area because the actual battle takes place on Sunday in the Osceola National Forest and the Olustee Battleground Park. Should be a interesting time.

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Author: Jolene MacFadden

Single mother, retired from a normal job, was traveling around the State of Florida in an old RV. Now stationary writing new books and helping others get their self-published.

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