Find More Local Author Events

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Attending Local Author Events is fairly mandatory for most all published authors. If you have a publisher they will make arrangements for marketing your current published book but you will also have to start making arrangements to attend local events to sell your previous works to hopefully garner more loyal readers in the future.

Conversely, most people will only try new authors if they get some kind of connection with them. What better connection than finding out the author is one of your neighbors? Most of your customers might even be willing to like your social media page, write a review on Amazon or Goodreads and look forward to more stories that you publish.

Fall and Winter in Florida are more like times to find these events in our area because of having more tourists to entertain, northern authors make their winter homes down here and we have RVers passing through who need more reading materials to pass the time while they are traveling. What better way to introduce your writings to new audiences than attending as many of these events as you can.

Remember though it really isn’t about selling your books at these types of events as it is about introducing yourself, your website and social media pages and your writings to new people. If they don’t like your writing they might share their experience with their friends and family who just might be.

Check out our Calendar page for all the upcoming events we have been able to post so far this year. If you know of another one please let us know and we will add it to our upcoming events.

Author: Jolene MacFadden

Single mother, retired from a normal job, was traveling around the State of Florida in an old RV. Now stationary writing new books and helping others get their self-published.

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