Biography Writing – Getting Ready to Publish

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You have written your story all the way through. By now you should have run the Spelling and Grammar checking feature in your word processing program. You have to read the story now to see if there are changes that need to be made, that the grammatical use of the words is correct and that the story is balanced and told in an entertaining manner. Now would be the time to enlist the help of friends and family. You can shoot copies of your story to those who you respect and will give you an honest appraisal of what you have written. And they may catch some mistakes that you and your word processor have missed. Once they have returned your biography take note of any changes and make them if they make sense to you. Remember this is your work and you have the final say as to what goes into it. But you need to consider what your reviewers are saying. The suggestions may help make your biography into someone pretty special. And that, after all, is the goal.

Now you can add any pictures in appropriate places. Maybe even some appropriate quotes here and there. We find that an appropriate quote either from the subject or one from their favorite persons will help a chapter stand out. You will need to consider the layout of the story as well. And finally, you need to decide where you are going to publish this great story. Are you going to publish in a physical book, an eBook, or on a website? This question is very important and will dictate the layout of your story. If you want to have it professionally published in a physical book you can try and get a publisher or sign-up with Amazon’s Self Publishing Service. They will upload your eBook for Kindle. They have a listing of publishing houses that will help you self-publish in hard copy as well. Barnes and Noble has a Self Publishing Department as well and they will convert your book to Nook, mobile and computer eBook format. Both of these eBook solutions require that you create or have created a professional cover art to go with your book. It may not actually be required but if you really want your book to sell you will need a professional looking cover to entice the buyer.

The third solution would be to create a website for this person and either include all of the data, pictures and video on it for FREE or save your work in a PDF file and offer it for download. You chose what information to include on the website and whether you want to charge for the Ebook or not. The website can be used as a promotional tool for the biography itself with teaser information.

Author: Jolene MacFadden

Single mother, retired from a normal job, was traveling around the State of Florida in an old RV. Now stationary writing new books and helping others get their self-published.

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