Private Investigator Requirements

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I think all of us who read and enjoyed detective fiction wonder what it would be like to be a private investigator in real life. I was researching on the web and came across this website called the Professional Investigator’s Magazine. They have a link to each state’s website that states what the requirements are to become a private investigator in that state. You may have to poke around on the sites until you find the information that you require as the editor just linked to the main page of the licensing department. Surprisingly there are a couple of states that do not have formal licensing requirements. Those states are Colorado, Idaho, Mississippi, South Dakota and Wyoming.

Another website I found was a little bit more informative in that it lists by state the agency that is responsible for licensing private investigators but also lists the states private investigator’s associations with links to their websites at as well as a link to a directory of that state’s private investigators: You will need to review the requirements in the state you live in. Most will require that you intern with another private investigator so looking through the listing of private investigator companies in the directories will give you a starting point to find a mentor.

Author: Jolene MacFadden

Single mother, retired from a normal job, was traveling around the State of Florida in an old RV. Now stationary writing new books and helping others get their self-published.

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