Magic Formulas Do Not Exist

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Magic formulas for marketing your books really do not exist. There are some steps that all writers must take just be considered a professional in the business but there is truly no real magic 1-2-3 things you can do to get your books notices and read by thousands of rabid fans. It is as much luck, timing, and good fortune as it is a tried and true recipe to get your books read and appreciated. That being said, it doesn’t mean you cannot come up with a series of steps that work for you and your stories.

Marketing, like most things in life, is a try-try again, kind of thing. You start with the basics such as getting yourself a website, a public Facebook page, and if you like to post in short bursts of inspiration then sign up for Twitter as well. You really should type of what is called a “media” or “press” package which includes a high-resolution professional picture of yourself, a short and long biography, links to all of your social media accounts and website and finally a great synopsis and high graphics pictures of your book cover(s). This should be in electronic format such as Acrobat PDF so it can be easily downloaded or printed and the photos used in publicity shots. Should you be lucky enough to garner any interest from the local press.

After you agonized over the above then you really should go to each bookselling site that allows you to and add your professional photo and biography and links to contact you. I cannot tell you how many times I have found an interesting book that I wanted to read and when I clicked on the writer’s name there was NOTHING there. REALLY?!?!? You spent all that time sweating over the storyline, editing your fingers to the bone to get the book to be all that you would wish it to be and you DON’T fill out the FREE author page? Come on people…

Next, you need to take advantage of every FREE opportunity that comes along to advertise your book and your writing. Check with local radio stations, local newspapers, and your fellow writers who write a blog. There are bound to be opportunities out there that you can use to help you get the word out about your books. You do enough of these things, CONSISTENTLY, and you will begin to sell your stories.

Author: Jolene MacFadden

Single mother, retired from a normal job, was traveling around the State of Florida in an old RV. Now stationary writing new books and helping others get their self-published.

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