This is for all my fellow authors and others who may be giving Zoom presentations in the next few weeks. Today I was presenting to a small group of authors online who are part of the

Authors and Others Giving Zoom Presentations

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This is for all my fellow authors and others who may be giving Zoom presentations in the next few weeks. Today I was presenting to a small group of authors online who are part of the Writers Alliance of Gainesville for a Marketing discussion. Just before I was ready to sign on there was a flash message that stated ‘UPDATE IN PROGRESS – DO NOT CLOSE’. Well silly me just went on making my coffee and not giving that another thought. When it came time to do the presentation my normal procedures for sharing a video were changed!

I was not a happy camper and went about sharing my, now manual, PowerPoint presentation. Afterward, I signed back into Zoom and just started pushing buttons and exploring. Of course, I turned on the record button. See the video below. I recorded the new procedure for sharing videos on Zoom and perhaps I will remember how I did it next month when I give the next presentation.

Zoom App Update

What I Learned Today

There are several things I have learned today. One is to never allow an update on an app you are about to use. Two, Always test out your entire presentation before giving it in public. Even if it is on Zoom. There are a couple of other things that I might need to go over but at the moment I cannot think of them. I will add them later.

Social Media Update

There are two other social media platforms we are experimenting with over the next several weeks. One of those is an app called NextDoor. This is a regionally specific mobile only app in that you put in your zip code and then they connect you with people on the app who live within about 40 or 50 miles at the most. This is great for those who have a regular business and want to connect with their neighbors. It also works with authors who write stories about the area. My Friend, Lacey Dancer, created a series called, The Live Oak Series and has 5 books so far. She is working on number 6 now. I will be sharing her information on the app and each of her books.

The Live Oak Series by Lacey Dancer

The other is called Mastodon. This is an application you can use on your computer and it has a mobile app as well. You sign up for different themed “servers. For authors and readers there is one called “Bookstodon” that features posts about books, reading and writing. There are regional servers and other types of hobby servers but each one is separate and requires you to create a separate profile. It is considered a more user friendly and friendlier place than the form

er Twitter (X). You can follow me at

Grab a copy of the 30-Day Media Challenge Workbook TODAY

You are going to want to get a copy of this workbook today. And check out Southern Dragon Publishing on May 25, 2024 for more information.

30 Day Social Media Challenge -Purple Edition

Author: Jolene MacFadden

Single mother, retired from a normal job, was traveling around the State of Florida in an old RV. Now stationary writing new books and helping others get their self-published.

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