Jenniferology by LL Eadie

Jenniferology by LL Eadie

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Jenniferolgy by LL Eadie is a really good summer reading story set in our beautiful state of Florida. The tiny beach town of the Grandmother can only be one of those between St. Augustine and Daytona. I vote for Flagler Beach but long ago there were other little communities tucked away along A.1.A. that might fit the bill as well. Pick up your copy today and give it a read.

JenniferologyJenniferology by LL Eadie
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is a fun coming of age modern family tale with a rebellious teenager suffering from the after affects of her parents divorce being thrown at her grandmother, living in Florida, in a trailer park, with lots of old people!

Her grandmother is no old person she is a feisty Queenager herself with her crew going on trips, having parties and flirting with all the men in the park. She volunteers to take on her surly granddaughter whom she hasn’t seen in quite some time.

True to all good fiction stories there are some trials, some major mistakes but in the end there are good things that happen too.

Great summer read. Give it a Try. Tell all your friends

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Author: Jolene MacFadden

Single mother, retired from a normal job, was traveling around the State of Florida in an old RV. Now stationary writing new books and helping others get their self-published.

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